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POTTY You Say... But It’s RAINING Outside

Posted by Daniele Largo on

Well, it’s that time of year again & the rainy season is upon us in full force. Is it like pulling teeth to get your dogs to go potty outside when it’s raining?

Know & Understand YOU ARE NOT  ALONE. Yes of course there are always exceptions to the rule… But for the most part, they hate going out to potty when it’s raining. 

Why you may ask? Well for starters it’s cold & wet and that’s not a comfortable environment to do your business in, not to mention they don’t like getting their paws wet. But did you know heavy rainfall is actually painful to your pets’ ears?…

Yep, its true Dogs & Cats have extra sensitive hearing and furious rainfall creates a surround sound that is painfully thundering in their inner ears. 

…But the FACT still remains when you gotta go… You gotta go. 

So what’s a loving pet parent to do? Here are some great preparations & solutions that work for the rainy days ahead to keep the peace between you and Fido so everybody’s HAPPY. 

First things first if you look at the weather report and see rain in the near forecast. If it is then  PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE. Even if you don’t have a lot of time everyone can at least do a  couple of these steps to keep the peace & minimize indoor potty accidents and naughty behavior. 

  1. In general, it’s a good idea to desensitize your dog to the rain. You can do this by spending time outside during light drizzles. Not only will it help your dog to tolerate the rain they might even begin to enjoy it… Might I said
  1. Try a raincoat, Not all dogs will like this; some, in fact, will just “shut down” and refuse to pee at all while wearing clothes. But some dogs really do prefer it.

    Especially if they are of the smaller variety who usually absolutely hate the rain, but once they are outfitted for it really begin to prefer wearing a raincoat when it’s raining outside. 

  2. Umbrellas are your (dog’s) best friend. The problem here, of course, is that you need to hold it, over the dog, which means that you’re going to get wet. So make sure it’s a BIG enough one for the both of you. Think about it…. The small inconvenience of it is better than having the dog pee on your new carpet. 

  3. Get out there with your dog. If you normally just let your dog outside in the backyard to pee, you may need to actually go with her or him when it’s raining. Fun? No. But definitely safer,  and it’s more likely that your dog will feel comfortable enough to “go.”

    Keep them on a leash, even in your own backyard. Dogs are easily spooked by the sound of a snapping branch or a bolt of lightning and might take off in the wrong direction or injure themselves.
  4. It might not be the rain that’s bothering them, it might be the wet grass. Trying walking them on gravel, sidewalk, or even a driveway if possible. 

  5. Walking stimulates elimination. Try walking your dog on a leash around the inside of the house for a while or garage, if you have one, before venturing outside. 

  6. Use REALLY GOOD treats to reward your dog for peeing and pooping outside when it’s raining. Not those basic dog biscuits: bring something they really like, like a piece of meat or cheese. 

  7. PRAISE, PRAISE PRAISE. Be sure to praise your dog enthusiastically for getting things done when it’s raining. 

  8. As soon as they’re done, make a beeline for the house. Your dog will get the message that going potty outside quickly means getting back inside the dry, warm house quickly. Also when inside add an extra treat of warm towels to finish drying them off… Don’t forget to baby talk while you’re doing this, they’ll love it! This will further associate rainy days with comfort. 

  9. Some owners have successfully taught their dogs the command “HURRY.” To start to teach ing this command: just as you see your dog going into the “squat” position, say “HURRY, HURRY,  HURRY.” Then praise her like crazy when they do their business. 

Whatever ones you choose to practice it will DEFINITELY help with rainy days and that’s what it’s about RIGHT?

REMEMBER PETS RULE! & Keep An Eye On That Poop


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